Our Vision
Creating with others, an inclusive community where everyone can find a place to belong.
Our Mission
A catalyst for social change, Holy Fools seeks to form transformative relationships fostering positive change both in the lives of individuals, as well as the broader community.
Our Purpose
Belonging - we strive to create an inclusive community in everything we do; open to all regardless of gender, beliefs or past mistakes.
Bold - we speak boldly out into our culture, government and community about issues of justice and community.
Empowering - we believe that the power to change can come from the individual, and we do all we can to ensure positive change can take place.
Above and Beyond - we will work to exceed our own and others expectations through continuous learning and improvement.
Love and Respect - we treat everyone fairly and are committed to ensuring cultural safety;
Servant Hearted - in all we do, we will work with a servant's heart, not seeking fame or glory, but putting others first.
Our Nation
- 116,000 Australians will have no home tonight, an increase of 13.7% in the past 5 years; 59% male, and 42% female.
- Despite only making up 2.8% of the Australian population, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people represent 22% of the homeless population.
- Rough sleepers represent just 7% of all homelessness nationally. They are the tip of the iceberg.
- There has been a 28% increase in Australians aged 55+ experiencing homelessness. They are a rapidly growing age bracket.
- 20% of Australia’s homeless population live in Victoria.
- Homelessness in Victorian women is up 8.3% in 5 years; that’s 10,432 women with no shelter.
- 39% of the Victorians counted as homeless on Census night were under 25 years of age; that’s 9,742 young people with no home.
*Statistics gathered from chp.org.au/homelessness
Homelessness is not 'rooflessness'. A home means security, stability, privacy, safety, and being able to control your space.
Our Community
- The official population of Yarra Ranges Council area as of the 30th June 2017, is 156,982.
- The 2016 ABS Census records 366 people as being homeless; a 9.3% increase since the 2011 Census. Holy Fools believes this figure to be considerably higher.
- In the Yarra Ranges, 70% of the population live in the urban areas, which represent approximately 3% of the landmass. The rest of population is distributed across the remaining area.